Statement on the 5th Anniversary of the 2019 Sudanese Massacres and the Ongoing War in Sudan

On June 3rd, 2019, the Sudanese state counter-revolutionary forces, led by the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) militia, brutally massacred pro-democracy sit-ins in the capital, Khartoum, and 13 other locations, killing hundreds and injuring thousands. These horrific massacres aimed to crush the people’s revolution and their demands for freedom, peace, justice, and a fair distribution of wealth.

Five years later, Sudan remains engulfed in a devastating war, exposing the deep-rooted contradictions within the Sudanese state and its relationship to global capitalism. The continuous assassinations, kidnappings, and broader violence from the state and ruling class against revolutionaries underscore the lengths to which they will go to preserve their power.

The 2019 massacres and the current war are manifestations of the inherent violence of capitalism and its reliance on state repression to maintain power and protect the interests of the ruling class. In Sudan, as in many other countries, the state acts as a tool for the ruling elite, utilising violence to suppress dissent and control resources and wealth. This can also be understood as a struggle between the ruling elite, who seek to maintain their grip on power and wealth through violent means, and the working class and oppressed masses, who yearn for a more equitable and just society.

The revolutionaries’ demands for freedom, peace, justice, and a fair distribution of wealth directly challenged the capitalist system and its inherent exploitation. The ruling class, fearing the loss of their power and privilege, responded with brutal force, attempting to crush the revolutionary movement and preserve the status quo.

The ongoing war in Sudan further illustrates the devastating consequences of capitalism’s inherent contradictions. The vying for control over resources and power between the SAF and the RSF, both representing different factions of the ruling class, exacerbates existing socioeconomic inequalities and deepens the suffering of the Sudanese people who bear the brunt of this conflict.

The struggle for freedom, peace, justice, and a fair distribution of wealth in Sudan is a microcosm of the global struggle against capitalism and its oppressive structures. The revolution of 2018, despite the violent backlash, achieved significant milestones, including the toppling of long-time dictator Omar al-Bashir. The emergence of demand-based campaigns, Emergency Response Rooms and over 8,000 resistance committees, grassroots organisations representing local communities, and the growth of independent trade unions highlights the power of collective action and the yearning for self-determination. Strikes, civil disobedience, sit-ins, protests, marches, and the development of revolutionary charters have further demonstrated the resilience and determination of the Sudanese people to shape their own future. These achievements, while challenged by continuous state violence and ongoing war, serve as an inspiration for revolutionary movements worldwide, reminding us that even in the face of adversity, the fight for a more just and equitable world continues.

As MENA Solidarity commemorates the fifth anniversary of these massacre, we reaffirm our solidarity with the Sudanese people and their ongoing struggle for liberation from capitalism and military rule. Their fight is our fight, and the struggle for a more just and equitable world requires the complete eradication of the capitalist system and its oppressive tools.

Freedom, peace, and justice; revolution is the choice of the people!

The Sudanese Revolution Continues!

Show your solidarity with the Sudanese people by joining the protests on June 1st

Make your voice heard by signing the postcard addressed to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, urging the British government to stand with Sudan. For more information and resources, access the toolkit available on the MENA Solidarity website:

Stop the War in Sudan toolkit

Download resources

  • ‘Stopping Sudan’s hidden war’ Sudan Update March 2024 – download the leaflet >>here
  • ‘Why is there a war in Sudan?’ Sudan Update May 2023 – download the leaflet >>here
  • Stop the war in Sudan’ Sudan Update April 2023 – download the leaflet >>here
  • Stop the war in Sudan / Refugees welcome A4 poster – download >>here

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