Toolkit: Resisting the anti-protest laws in Egypt

This online toolkit is part of MENA Solidarity’s campaign in the run-up to the third anniversary of the Egyptian Revolution on 25 January 2014

1. Background Briefing

On 25 November 2013, Egyptian president Adly Mansour signed into law restrictions on public protests which activists continue to defy in daily mobilisations on the streets and university campuses.

The law demands that protesters must notify the authorities in advance, giving police the right to forcibly clear ‘unauthorised’ demonstrations from the streets, and to create ‘exclusion zones’ around government institutions or other protest sites.

Despite the Egyptian government’s claim that the law permits peaceful protest, it comes in the midst of a violent crackdown on dissent, which began in July and August when hundreds of supporters of deposed president Mohamed Morsi were killed by security forces and army.

The law is being challenged by a wide coalition of forces, including different revolutionary groups such as the 6th April Youth Movement, the ‘Revolutionaries’ coalition, leading activists from the independent unions, and the student movement.

Well-known activists who have been detained in connection with protests against the new law include Alaa Abdel-Fattah, Ahmed Douma and Ahmed Maher. Mahienour el-Masry from the Revolutionary Socialists in Alexandria is also reportedly facing charges under the law for helping to organise a protest outside the trial of Khaled Sa’id’s killers. Said, the young man whose murder was one the triggers for the revolution in 2011, was killed by plain-clothed police thugs in June 2010.

Hundreds of activists have also been arrested in recent months as part of the on-going crackdown against the Muslim Brotherhood. The 11-year jail terms handed down to 14 women protesters in November – some of whom were aged between 15 and 17  – sparked widespread condemnation. Although the sentences were later revised, similarly harsh judgements have been imposed in other cases.

2. Statement – 25 January 2014: Solidarity with the Egyptian Revolution MENA Solidarity has initiated a statement condemning the crackdown on protests and calling for solidarity with the Egyptian workers’ and student movements on the eve of the revolution’s third anniversary

Download and print the statement here

3. Solidarity signs – download and print, send us a photo via Facebook or @menasolidarity on Twitter

Stop the anti-protest law
Free the detainees

4. Posters

Anti-protest law poster (colour)
Student solidarity poster (colour)

5. Addresses for protest letters

  • Write urgently to the Egyptian authorities calling for the release of all political detainees and an end to the harassment and prosecution of the military’s opponents. Rush messages of protest to General Abd-al-Fattah al-Sisi, Commander in Chief of the Egyptian Armed Forces. Email General al-Sisi here copy in the Egyptian Ambassador to the UK ( or your country

6. Videos (English subtitles)