Global Protests Demand Justice for Sudan, Condemn the 2019 Massacres and Call for the War to stop

A global wave of solidarity surged on Saturday, June 1st, as thousands flooded the streets of major cities worldwide. London, Manchester, Cardiff, Oxford, Edinburgh, Belfast, Cologne, Toronto and beyond, bore witness to a unified call for justice and peace in Sudan. The demonstrators gathered to commemorate the horrific events of June 3rd 2019, when the Sudanese Army, Rapid Support militia, police forces, and the now-defunct Muslim Brotherhood regime’s militias unleashed a coordinated attack on peaceful revolutionaries across Sudan.  The day marked a dark chapter in Sudan’s history, as countless lives were lost, women and men were subjected to unspeakable violence, and the Nile River became a chilling burial ground.

Statement on the 5th Anniversary of the 2019 Sudanese Massacres and the Ongoing War in Sudan

Five years on from the June 3rd massacres, Sudan remains mired in war, exposing the deep ties between the state and global capitalism. State violence against revolutionaries highlights the lengths the ruling class will go to maintain power. The 2019 massacres and ongoing war are manifestations of capitalism’s inherent violence. Despite this, the 2018 revolution achieved significant milestones, including grassroots organising and the toppling of dictator Omar al-Bashir. This demonstrates the Sudanese people’s resilience and determination to shape their own future, inspiring revolutionary movements worldwide.